Capitelles - France - Languedoc (France)

A 'Capitelle' is a house ('cabin') made of stones stacked together without the addition of cement or other materials. They are located among the vineyards in Languedoc and provide the workers in the fields with a place to put away their tools or to take a nap between jobs. They are typical of the Cevennes region and help define the landscape. Originally Les Vignerons des Capitelles were actually 5 different Caves Coopératives in the Gard but in 2016 it was decided to gather into one company that controls the wine process from start to finish, putting quality as one of the main pillars. Most winemakers are young, ambitious and already working according to organic regulations. The others are in the middle of a conversion period towards organic viticulture. The wines are simple and tasty but produced with great skill and know-how. They offer inversely proportional drinking pleasure for relatively little money and allow you as a consumer to enjoy them without too much fuss or unnecessary frills.