La Sirena
Navarra - Spain
![La Sirena](
![La Sirena wines](
![La Sirena philosophy](
La Sirena offers you 2 wines that were created in collaboration with us. Together with the people from Castillo de Eneriz and Manzanos we wanted 2 basic wines (white and red) that met a few simple principles. First: simply delicious! Two: Affordable! And three: For everyone! Winemaker and wizard Borja Ripa set to work with these guidelines. After a few years of comparing grapes, styles and qualities, we came up with the Viura (White) and Garnacha and Tempranillo (Red) by chance the most grown grapes in Spain. A better price/quality ratio can no longer be stated. For all your small and large parties ... Simple but incredibly tasty!
![La Sirena Terroir](
The climate is of a dry continental type, with very hot summers of 39ºC and cold winters with temperatures that can drop to -10ºC. Precipitation is scarce. The terroir exists of sand and limestone.
![La Sirena Wine making](
Discover these 2 simply tasty wines:
- La Sirena 100% Viura: The wine is fermented with selected yeast for 3 weeks at 15ºC. During the vinification process, the wine is protected with inert gas to prevent any oxidation of the aromas. Short maturation on stainless steel tubs after which bottling. This airy and tasty style is easy to drink on its own or with light, everyday dishes. Ideal with mussels and other seafood and do not forget to combine with salads.
- La Sirena 80% Tempranillo - 20% Garnacha: Vines of more than 25 years old. The cold maceration takes 8 hours. Fermentation for 10 days at 25ºC. During the vinification process, the wine is protected with inert gas to prevent any oxidation of the aromas. After a short rest on stainless steel vessels, bottling follows. It is very easy to drink like this or with light, everyday dishes. From poultry to red meat and softer cheeses.